Worship Bulletin for 9/17/23

Sunday, Sept 17, 2023                       16th Sunday after Pentecost, Communion Sunday

PRELUDE:    Little Prelude by Randall Thompson, Prelude, JS Bach

                        Carrie Gamm, worship accompanist

WELCOME                                 Rev. Dr. Jill Sanders

ANNOUNCEMENTS:                                  Pastor Jill


*CALL TO WORSHIP:          Betty Cichy-Anderson, reader

Please stand in body or spirit and remain standing in body or spirit until the passing of the peace.

One          Into your presence we come, God of freedom,

Many       remembering those who fled captivity and found freedom in your sanctuary.

One          Into your presence we come, God of forgiveness,

Many       remembering your Son’s gift to us, and your gracious reconciliation.

One          Into your presence we come, God of grace,

Many       and we know your generosity to us is beyond our understanding.

One          Into your presence, we come,

Many       May we lift up our praise to you!

*OPENING HYMN  The Cry of My Heart, The Faith We Sing #2165

*Opening Prayer: (Responsive)                                                         Betty

One:.       What if God paid us back in full for the wrong we have done? 


O Lord we seek your mercy…

Many      yet we ourselves look for payback when we are wronged.

We think it “only fair” and “what is right” when we retaliate and use harsh words

and withdraw from relationship. The forgiveness you offer on our account is larger than we can comprehend, still we withhold forgiveness and carry grudges over petty items.

We are eager to do your judging. And the worst: we conspire our inner thoughts

                 to secure your forgiveness while avoiding honest repentance.

Forgive us Lord for the sin we know in our hearts.

Save us Lord from the sin we hide.

(pause for reflection and self-examination)

One:        The Lord is full of compassion and mercy,

slow to anger and has not dealt with us according to our sins.

Instead, God has chosen the sacrifice of God’s own son on our account.

It is because Jesus Christ pays the last full measure that our sins are forgiven.

This gift of forgiveness makes us able, with the power of Holy Spirit, to choose to forgive, renew

and live again in right relationship with each other and with our God.

In the name of Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Many.     Amen. 

—written by Bill Wessner and posted on Confession RCL blog.

*GLORIA                                                                                                  TFWS 2023

O Lord, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth;

O Lord, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth.

O God, we praise your name.

O God, we magnify your name:

Prince of Peace, mighty God,

O Lord God Almighty. (x2)

*PASSING OF THE PEACE: (responsive)                                              Betty

One:         May the Peace of Christ be with you.

All:            And also with you.

One:         Let us share signs of Christ’s peace with one and another!

Please be seated.

Reading from the Hebrew Bible:  Genesis 50:15-21                 Betty


Reading from the Gospel    Matthew 18:21-35            Pastor Jill

HYMN FOR PREPARATION  “There is a Balm in Gilead” Blk 553

SERMON             “Freedom and Forgiveness”     Rev. Dr. Jill Sanders

MUSICAL REFLECTION          Forgiveness by Matthew West                                                         Carrie Gamm

SHARING OF JOYS AND CONCERNS, Moment of Silence, Pastoral Prayer, Prayer of our Savior

PRAYER OF OUR SAVIOR (ecumenical version)

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be Your Name.

Your Kingdom come, Your Will be Done

On earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial

And deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory

are Yours, now and forever.   Amen.


*DOXOLOGY                                                                  TheOld Hundredth

O God, may we who bear your name,

By gentle love your grace proclaim.

Christ’s gift of peace on earth declare,

And your anointing Spirit share.


*CLOSING HYMN:       “I then shall live” Worship and Rejoice 372 vs 1-3

*BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH                                             

*POSTLUDE:     Allegro by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach         Carrie Gamm

Text Box: We welcome all who are joining us for worship virtually, on YouTube, http://tiny.cc/firstcongo or Cable Channel #181 (each weekday).  NEWS IN THE PEWS:  SUNDAY September 17, 2023

The weekly Calendar

Sunday Sept 17th FROG Sunday

9:15      Choir rehearsal

10:00    Worship in-person & online

11:00    FROG meets

11:00    Pictures taken for Picture directory

11:00    Lunch in Fellowship Hall sponsored by FROG

11:30    Enneagram class, Journey Toward Wholeness

Monday Sept 18

10:00   Caffeinated Christianity

Tuesday Sept 19

9:30    Set up for Kathryn LeBrasseur Celebration of Life (if needed)

11:30    Lunch Bunch @ Grand Arbor

3:30      OnA Planning meeting

5:45      Board of Administration meeting

7:00      Council Meeting

Thursday September 21

9:00      No group walk

9-1 p    Office hour change for today only

9:30      Morning Circle

3-7        Diversity Fest

4:30      Holy Happy Hour @ Pike & Pint

Saturday Sept 23

9:00    Visitation for Kathryn LeBrasseur

10:00  Celebration of Life of Kathryn LeBrasseur

Sunday Sept 24th

10:00    Worship in-person & online

11:00    Pictures taken for Picture directory

11:00    Coffee Fellowship

11:30    Enneagram class, Journey Toward Wholeness

4:00      Open and Affirming Community Worship Service and Open House Celebration

Pastor Jill’s Office Hours

Pastor Jill is available throughout the week for pastoral care, conversation, or coffee!  She is typically in the office on Tuesday mornings—and other times as well.  It is always best to schedule a time if you want to talk.  She can be reached directly at jill@firstcongregationaluccalex.com or (319) 361-0737.  Shetypically takes Fridays off. 

Office Hour change Thursday

On Thursday the office will be open from 9-1 pm rather 10-2 pm.

Thank you

The choir will be leading singing during the service today.

Virtual Giving Options: Online and Text

Check out our updated website: firstcongregationaluccalex.com.  Click on the word “Give” at the top of the screen.  You can also text (844)987-4483 to give to our general fund.  Please contact the office if you need help setting up your giving account online using our new software provider, Churchtrac.

FROG power Sunday

Frog power is today. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sundays from 11-2 pm.  During this time, we will leap into Bible stories, go on adventures, have lunch, find ways to serve others, and form bonds with each other while we discover the power of our God.    The whole congregation is invited to join us after the worship service for fellowship lunch.

Volunteers needed

Come help set up tables and chairs for Kathyrn LeBrasseur’s celebration of life after church today. 

Lunch bunch

Please join us for lunch on Tuesday Sept 19 at 11:30 at the Pioneer Grill.  All are welcome. We meet at 11:30, we order our lunches at 12.  This is a fun, social event.

Tuesday Meetings

Please submit any agenda items to the chairs of the Board of Administration and the Church Council.

Morning Circle

begins this month on Sept 21 at 9:30.  All women are welcome to attend. We meet the 3rd Thursday of the month.

Walking Group

There will be no group walk this week.  You are encouraged to walk with purpose individually if you can.

Newsletter Items due

Visitor Newsletter deadline is Sept 22 at end of business.  If you have an article please submit it as soon as possible.

 Celebration of Life

Kathryn LeBrasseur’s celebration of life will be on Sept 23 at 10 am. Visitation begins at 9 am. Lunch will follow the service. No words are sufficient for her many contributions to our congregation and community at large.

Open and Affirming Celebration event

We are having a public celebration of our Open and Affirming Covenant on September 24 at 4 pm. Please join for us for communion, worship, praise and fellowship following the service.

Cookies/Baked Goods Wanted

Do you have extra cookies or baked goods?  Love to bake but don’t want a lot of extras at home.  We would love to have a supply of frozen cookies to serve on Sundays.  This would relieve the burden on those who choose to serve on Sunday.  Please put them in the freezer in the Plymouth Room.

Harvest Table

Stop and check out the Harvest table across from the elevator near the east entrance. Please bring garden produce to buy, sell and share.  Money from the table will go to purchase gas cards for the students at Alexandria Technical and Community College.

Bountiful Basket

The bountiful basket is back in its place near the elevator.  We welcome early bird donations for Alexandria Technical College.  These donations can include non-perishable groceries and hygiene supplies.

Help out with Worship

There are sign ups at the back of the church for September.  If you are able to greet, usher, or read, help serve coffee or clean up after Fellowship, please sign up there. 

Angel Express and Angel Care Team

Volunteers are needed to cover additional months. Please contact the church office or Daisy 763-9461. Daisy and Neva Nickel will be angels for September.

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries

Clayton Mielke                        09/24
Craig Mische                            09/25

Mike Gralow                             09/26
Cathy Johnson                        09/28
Mike Hemann                         09/29
Adrian Thompson                  09/29

Directory Update

Please stop to have your photo taken on Sunday if you haven’t done so already.  Connections will help schedule any additional photos after September 24, including committee pictures.  If your contact information has recently changed, please let the office know.  We expect the new picture directory will come out in October.

The Journey Toward Wholeness

3rd enneagram book group

if you studied one or both of suzanne stabile’s books on the enneagram or if you have studied the enneagram on your own, please join Marcie Watson for six consecutive Sundays following worship and coffee time from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m.

Community Events

Diversity Fest

Sept 21. Enjoy a wide variety of cultural foods plus free entertainment. Food and beverage samples are $1 each, tickets purchased at event (cash only). Fun for all ages! 3-7 pm at the ATCC Law Enforcement Training Center (south Parking lot).  If you wish to volunteer contact Joy 612-227-4220 or Cindy Haarstad at cindy.haarstad@alextech.edu

About First Congregational United Church of Christ

We are an inclusive community that welcomes extravagantly, seeks God and follows Jesus into the world.

We are also a member of the Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ and honor the dignity of each person created in God’s image.  All are welcome here.