Church Bulletin for Sunday Nov 10, 2024

November 10, 2024                Twenty Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

*Please rise in body and/or spirit


PRELUDE                                                                  Diane Alveshere

WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS                                     Pastor Jill

POURING OF THE BAPTISMAL WATER                 Rev. Dr. Jill Sanders

CHORAL INTROIT                                Christ Has Broken Down the Wall

*CALL TO WORSHIP                                             Betty Cichy-Anderson

One:          In the midst of darkness & chaos…

Many:       God imagined.

One:          In the fury & darkness…
God imagined a world filled with trees,
and blue skies
and fluffy white clouds.
In the meadow, God stood and…

Many:       imagined foxes, bluebirds, and slithering snakes.

One:          In a world of rainstorms and wildlife
and cattle and grasses blowing in the breeze…

Many:       God imagined humanity.
God imagined the continuum from man to woman. 

One:          In a world teeming with billions of people…

Many:       God imagined me. 

One:          God imagined you and God imagined me.
We are created in the image of God.

Many:        God imagined us all. God loves each of us. 

One:          Let us worship with the same imagination
as our Creator!

Many:       Amen.

OPENING HYMN          Let Me Enter God’s Own Dwelling

Black # 67 vs 1,2,4

*UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION (based on Genesis 17:1-7 and Isaiah 35:1-10) Betty

One:            Gracious God, you reached into Abraham and Sarah’s lives and asked them to dream the impossible dream—that you would transform what appears to have been a barren and lifeless situation into one overflowing with promise and hope—and, through faith in you, they believed your promises.

Many:         Forgive us, O God, if we never get beyond thinking of your call on our lives as an impossible dream or even as an unwelcome interruption.

One:            Faithful God, you used Isaiah’s imagination to give hope to your people that exile would not be the end for them.  While languishing in the desert, they could not have imagined the abundant life that Isaiah described—water in a parched land the desert blossoming like a crocus.

Many:         Forgive us, O God, when we find it hard to hear and trust your promises above what we can see and experience in this moment and dismiss your vision for us as unrealistic or unlikely.

Silent reflection on these words

One:            Gracious and loving God, forgive our lack of trust in you;

Many:         Have mercy on us and forgive us.

One:            Help us when we hesitate,

Many:         and strengthen us when we are weak

One:            Breathe your Spirit afresh into our hearts and minds—our lives—so that we have the courage to follow Jesus wherever he takes us. 

Many:         Amen.

*ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS   (Ephesians 3:4-20)               Betty

*THE GLORIA                                                                      Blk 8, vs 4

*THE PASSING OF THE PEACE                                                   Betty


CHOIR ANTHEM         Crowded Table                                   

Words and Music by Hemby, McKenna & Carlile, Arranged by A Ramsey

READING FROM THE Hebrew Bible             Genesis 17:1-8. 15-17

MOMENT WITH THE YOUNGER CHURCH                         Pastor Jill

READING FROM THE Prophets                                  Isaiah 35:1-10

HYMN OF PREPARATION           All Things are Yours W&R 687  1-3

(on screen and in bulletin)

SERMON                       “Imagine Together”              Rev. Dr. Jill Sanders

MUSIC FOR REFLECTION                                        Diane Alveshere



INVITATION TO GIVE, GIVING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS:                                                                            

*DOXOLOGY                                                                                                                                       Black 780


Creator of all, the earth is yours, the world and all who live in it.  You have entrusted us with gifts— time, talent, energy, money— and asked us to use them to build your reign. With thanks and praise we respond to your call. We bring these gifts you have given, returning your generosity, paying it forward. We offer ourselves, our lives, our hopes and fears, our dollars and our hours. We commit ourselves to work for your world, to love and serve wherever you call. We ask your blessing on this, your church, as we seek to follow you with heart, mind, and soul.  Bless also these gifts, our investment in your future, that they may multiply in faith, hope, and love. Amen.

*CLOSING HYMN How Beautiful, Our Spacious Skies

Black 594 vs 1,2,4

*BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH                                                                                  Pastor Jill

CHORAL BENEDICTION                              Sevenfold Amen, Stainer

POSTLUDE                                                                                                              Diane Alveshere

We welcome all who are joining us for worship virtually, on YouTube, or Cable Channel #181 (each weekday).  Our service is broadcast on KXRA 1490 AM at 11 am the second Sunday of the month.


The Weekly Calendar

Sunday Nov 10, KXRA Sunday

9:15     Choir practice

10:00   Worship in person and online, Stewardship Sunday

11:00   Coffee Fellowship

Monday Nov 11

10-11:  “Caffeinated Christianity” @ Dunn Bros

7 pm    Dart Ball St. John’s @ UCC

Tuesday Nov 12

9:00     No Friendly Service

12-4     Elder network

5:00     Bingo at ATCC

Wednesday Nov 13

5:15     Choir rehearsal

6:15     Spirit on screen

Thursday Nov 14

9:00     Walking group@Church

4:30     Spaghetti Dinner

Sunday Nov 17,

10:00   Worship in person and online

11:00   Coffee Fellowship

KXRA Radio Sunday

The second Sunday of every month our service is broadcast on KXRA at 11 am.  Today’s service is sponsored by Shelly Karnis in memory of Linda Akenson.

Pastor Jill’s Office Hours

Pastor Jill is available throughout the week for pastoral care, conversation, or coffee!  She is typically in the office on Tuesday mornings—and other times as well.  It is always best to schedule a time if you want to talk.  She can be reached directly at or (319) 361-0737.  Shetypically takes Fridays off.

Dart ball

Mon at 7 pm We are playing St John’s here. If you are interested in playing with our Men’s Dartball League, please contact Clayton Mielke.

Friendly Service

Friendly service has been cancelled for this Tuesday due to how many of the regular quilters are sick with COVID.

Choir Rehearsal

Choir rehearsal at 5:15 on Wednesday November 13.  

Spirit on Screen

Pieces of April.  November 13 at 6:15.  Pieces of April is about a family get together on Thanksgiving that is hosted by the family’s black sheep.  Bring a snack or light dinner.  We will be serving popcorn and a beverage. Join us in conversation afterward.

Spaghetti Dinner

The Spaghetti dinner is Nov 14 4:30-7 pm.  Tickets are $15 for adults, children from 2-10 years old are $10, all others are free.  Tickets and posters are at the back of the sanctuary

1.  We need help setting up tables and chairs in the Fellowship Hall after worship today.
2.  Have you gotten YOUR tickets for the Spaghetti Dinner yet?
3.  Have you signed up to work that day?  in the dining room, takeouts, clean up?
4.  Plan what you will bring for the Bake Sale.
With everyone’s help, this will be a FUN and profitable event.  Thank You.

Bake Sale

We need Bake Sale items for the spaghetti dinner.  Please deliver the day before or the morning of Nov 14.  Please mark your own items in whole dollar amounts. 

Multiple Volunteer Opportunities

Worship Service volunteers. We need readers, ushers, greeters, tech staff and coffee fellowship servers through the end of the year.  Sign up is at the back of the sanctuary.

We need volunteers to help coordinate the Spaghetti dinner.  Sign up at the back of the sanctuary.

Christmas dinner volunteers needed.  Look for more information soon. 
As always, your time and talents are always appreciated and as we approach Advent we have many opportunities available for you.

Virtual Giving Options: Online and Text

Check out our updated website:

Click on the word “Give” at the top of the screen.  You can also text (844)987-4483 to give to our general fund.  Please contact the office if you need help setting up a giving account online using our provider, Churchtrac.

Our Stewardship campaign, Imagine Together

We have begun our stewardship campaign.  Look in the back of the sanctuary to get your stewardship letter.

Global Hope UCC Disaster Fund

Hurricanes Milton and Helene hit the southeastern United States hard and several UCC churches throughout the affected region have suffered extensive damage to their church buildings and surrounding communities. As the full impact of both storms continues to become realized, the Global HOPE team is helping to connect victims of the storm’s devastation with immediate resources as well as preparing to support long-term recovery efforts.  As we continue to pray for and support those who have experienced unimaginable loss this past week, we invite you to support the UCC’s recovery efforts in the following ways:

Hurricane 2024 Recovery Appeal: The National Ministries of the United Church of Christ has a long history of supporting communities as they recover from disaster and their plight fades from the headlines. Your support of this appeal will ensure that communities are supported and accompanied for years as they rebuild. You can give directly via the website or by texting UCCDISASTER to 41444 or by writing a check with Global Hope or UCC Disaster or Hurricane Helene in the memo line.

Harvest Table

We are continuing the Harvest Table until people have nothing to bring in.  We appreciate all who have contributed extra produce and are willing to make donations to Missions in this way.

Bountiful Basket

We will be filling the basket for the Small Mall during the month of November, there is a list of wanted items on the basket, they include, money, gently used or new toys, gifts for men, women, and teens, wrapping paper and gift bags and boxes.  Gifts for men are particularly needed.

Bingo Gift Cards

Donations of cash, checks and gift cards can still be accepted for the Alexandria Technical College Bingo night (which is Nov. 12).

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries

Rev. Scott Keehn                     11/17
Sandy Grove                            11/18
Jon Haaven                             11/19
If the office has missed your birthday or anniversary, please contact us.