December 23, 2023 Fourth Sunday in Advent

PRELUDE MUSIC                                                                          Margaret Kalina

WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS                                     Rev. Dr Jill Sanders


CHORAL INTROIT                             “Were you there on Christmas Eve?”

*CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                      Marcie Watson

ONE: Please rise in body and/or spirit and join me in the Call to Worship and remain standing through the Opening Hymn

One: How does a weary world rejoice?

Many: We sing songs of hope. We allow hope to change us, to strengthen us. We tell the stories of what could be. We listen for God’s word. We resist the temptation to give up or give in. We remember Mary’s song. We gather for worship. We hope. We hope. Against all odds, we hope.

One: Friends, this is the day that the Lord is still making. Let us worship holy God.

*OPENING HYMN          O Come, All Ye Faithful,”                     Red #132 v. 1, 2 & 4

One: Please be seated

CANDLELIGHTING LITURGY                                       Bruce and Bonnie Bina

A: How does a weary world practice love?

B: By sending cards, and picking up the phone. By practicing empathy, and assuming the best in others. By learning people’s stories, and finding common ground. By advocating for justice, and saving a place at the table. 

A: There are a million ways to practice love. So today we light the candle of love as a reminder and a charge. With God’s help,  may we bring love into a weary world. Amen.

RESPONSE TO CANDLELIGHTING                    Bridge over Troubled Water

When you’re weary

Feeling small

When tears are in your eyes

I’ll dry them all

I’m on your side

Oh, when times get rough

And friends just can’t be found

Like a bridge over troubled water

I will lay me down

Like a bridge over troubled water

I will lay me down

*CALL TO CONFESSION                                                                               Marcie

One: Please stand in body or spirit.

One: Family of faith, we all know that a small group of convicted people can change the world. That’s how it’s always been. People like Mary, people like Zechariah, people like John the Baptist. And yet, we rarely feel like we can be one of those people. We downplay our ability to make a difference. We choose pessimism over optimism. We sweep hope under the rug for the sake of realism. We forget the words to Mary’s song.  Fortunately for us, our God carries enough hope and grace for all of us. So let us go to God in prayer. Let us speak the truth of our lives, and let that honesty change us. Friends, let us pray:

*PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison)                                                        Marcie

Holy God,

More days than not, hope feels like the rain. We try to hold onto it with cupped hands, but eventually, it slips right on through. Forgive us for holding hope so loosely. Forgive us for allowing the realities of today to define tomorrow. We know that this world needs people of hope, so today we pray: turn us into those people. Teach us how to sing Mary’s song of hope for the world. With open hearts we pray, amen.

WORDS OF FORGIVENESS                                                                         Marcie

One: Body of Christ, no matter how many times we let hope slip through our fingers, we still belong to God.

So hear and repeat these words after me: I am God’s beloved.

Many:  I am God’s beloved.

One: I am forgiven.

Many: I am forgiven.

One: I am blessed and sent to serve.

Many:  I am blessed and sent to serve.

One: This is the good news of the Gospel. This is a hope we can hang our hats on. Thanks be to God for God’s unending love. Amen. *GLORIA  Angels We have heard on High, Gloria

Glo——–ria, in excelsis Deo!

Glo——–ria, in excelsis Deo!

*PASSING THE PEACE                                                                                               

ONE:   May the peace of Christ be with you.

ALL:     And also with you.

ONE:   Let us share a sign of peace with one another.

One: Please be seated (after a moment)

CHOIR ANTHEM      Bells are Ringing

Music Ministry by THE YOUNGER CHURCH       Pamela Schauff, Andrew Fleming, Lily and Skylar Johnson

THE READING FROM THE GOSPEL:     Luke 1:46-55                     Pastor Jill

HYMN OF PREPARATION “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”              W&R 221 vs 1-2

SERMON                  How Does A Weary World Rejoice?

  We Sing Stories of Hope                                                   Rev. Dr. Jill Sanders

MUSIC for REFLECTION            Sweet was the Song        


PRAYER OF OUR SAVIOR (ecumenical version)

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.

Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours.

Now and for ever. Amen


OFFERTORY MUSIC              Sing Softly of Him

*DOXOLOGY                                                                 DIVINUM MYSTERIUM

Christ to thee with God the Savior,

And O Holy Ghost, to thee.

Hymn and chant and high thanksgiving,

And unwearied praises be,

Honor, glory, and dominion and eternal victory.

Evermore and evermore.


*CLOSING HYMN  Hark the Herald Angels Sing                                Red 120

*BENEDICTION                                                                                         Pastor Jill

Family of faith, as you leave this place, you go into a weary world— so speak tenderly. Do the good that is yours to do. Choose connection. Hold onto hope. And remember that Christ took on flesh for you. You are God’s beloved. So go rejoicing. The world needs it.  Amen.

*CHORAL BENEDICTION       A Child of Hope

POSTLUDE MUSIC                                                                       Margaret Kalina

The Hymn “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” is published in Worship & Rejoice reprinted and used with permission under OneLicense:  A-715438.  All rights reserved. Today’s Liturgy is written by Rev. Sarah Speed for A Sanctified Art for the sermon series How Does A Weary World Rejoice?.

The choir is singing the following songs:

Sleeth, Natalie Were you there on that Christmas Eve? Hope Publishing Co, 1976

Althouse, Jay. Sweet was the Song, Carl Fischer, 1987

Ehret, Walter, The Bells are ringing on Christmas Eve. Carl Fischer 1988

Powell, Robert, Sing Softly of Him, Carl Fischer, 1979

Smith,Lani, Child of Hope.

1970, 1971, 1972, 1974 The Lorenz Corporation

For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.

Used with permission under CCLI License # 21982012 or One License A-715438

We welcome all who are joining us for worship virtually, on YouTube, or Cable Channel #181 (each weekday).  Our service is broadcast on KXRA 1490 AM at 11 am the second Sunday of the month beginning in January.

NEWS IN THE PEWS:  SUNDAY December 17, 2023

The Weekly Calendar

Sunday December 17, 4th Sunday in Advent

9:15        Choir rehearsal

10:00     Worship in person & online, FROG and Choir program

11:00     Lunch provided by FROG

                After lunch, Christmas goodie and lefse making with FROG

Monday Dec 18

10:00     “Caffeinated Christianity” @ Dunn Bros

7 pm      Dartball UCC@bye

Tuesday Dec. 19

11:30     Lunch Bunch @ Grand Arbor

Wednesday Dec 20

5:30        Blue Christmas service

Thursday Dec. 21

9:00        Second Lefse making opportunity

9:00        Walk @church

9:30        Morning Circle

4:30        Holy Happy Hour @ Pike & Pint

Friday December 22

Newsletter items due

Sunday December 24, Christmas Eve

No morning Worship

4:30        Carols and Lessons and Candlelight service

Monday December 25

11-1 pm Christmas Dinner

Pastor Jill’s Office Hours

Pastor Jill is available throughout the week for pastoral care, conversation, or coffee!  She is typically in the office on Tuesday mornings—and other times as well.  It is always best to schedule a time if you want to talk.  She can be reached directly at or (319) 361-0737.  Shetypically takes Fridays off.

Virtual Giving Options: Online and Text

Check out our updated website:

Click on the word “Give” at the top of the screen.  You can also text (844)987-4483 to give to our general fund.  Please contact the office if you need help setting up your giving account online using our software provider, Churchtrac.

FROG Power Sunday

FROG will be providing lunch after church today.  After lunch, FROG power will be making lefse and Christmas cookies for our Christmas dinner.  All generations are invited to join us as we make these goodies

Thank you

We are celebrating Evelyn’s last day with the choir during the FROG Lunch.  Enjoy a piece of cake.

Men’s Dartball

Contact Clayton for more information.

Christmas Dinner

“Don’t spend Christmas alone” Join us on Christmas Day for our annual Christmas Day Dinner. Served on Monday December 25th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sign-up at the back of the church to help serve the dinner.  We need drivers, people to help out in the office next week answering phones.  Be sure to sign up if you are able to do any job.

Additional Lefse making day is Thursday Dec 21 at 9 am.

If you make lefse or Christmas cookies on your own, please consider donating some for the dinner.  The lefse can be small rounds. All donated lefse or Christmas cookies can be put in the large freezer in the Fellowship Hall. Please take posters to put up at places you frequent or live. Thanks for your help.

Tree of Lights

Our Good Samaritan Fund is this year’s Tree of Lights mission.  We use the Good Samaritan Fund to help people who have immediate needs for groceries or gas cards and occasionally a hotel room.  We typically work with one or more agencies to meet these needs.  Or have provided additional relief after another benefit had been exhausted.  We have lit an additional 32 lights this week, one as a thank you for Evelyn for a total of 78 lights.

Book Exchange

Any money donated for the books in the Plymouth Room will be given to the Tree of Lights/Good Samaritan Fund.

Help out with Worship

There are sign ups at the back of the church for December.  If you are able to greet, usher, or read, help serve coffee or clean up after Fellowship, please sign up there. 

Child Care Needed: 

Beginning in January, Kayla and Ray Noble will be leading music on the first Sunday each month–as well as fifth Sundays as they arise.  They have two little ones who will need shepherding during worship when their parents are leading.  They can sit with you in the sanctuary or spend time playing in the nursery with your companionship. Ideally, if the nursery is used, we would like to have two adults providing care.  If you are willing to volunteer for one of these first Sundays, please contact the church office or Pastor Jill.  The first date needed is January 7.

Angel Express and Angel Care Team

Volunteers are needed to cover additional months. Please contact the church office or Daisy 320-763-9461. The Angels for the month of December are Daisy and Sandy Grove (320) 491-2441. 

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries

Desi Silva                              12/25

John Etnier                           12/25

Kristi Mische Waschull     12/25

Bill Riggs                               12/27

If the office has missed your birthday or anniversary, please contact us.

News from the Library:

Please stop in and check out the Christmas books in the library.

Blue Christmas Service

Dec 20 5:30pm.  Do you doubt that this is the most wonderful time of the year?  Are life’s changes robbing you of joy?  If so—or if you want to support with your presence those who feel this way.  Join us in the Guild Room at the back of the sanctuary.    All are welcome.

Christmas Eve Service

There will be no morning service on Christmas Eve.  Join us for our 4:30 service of Lessons, Carols, and Candlelight.

After the service, enjoy our hot chocolate bar offered by Marcie Watson and Pastor Jill. If you have plans, you may take your hot chocolate to go. If you have no plans for the evening, feel free to stay around to enjoy fellowship and bask in the beauty of our sanctuary on Christmas Eve.