
May 7, 2023 5th Sunday of Easter
“Finding our New Song”
*please stand in body and/or spirit
PRELUDE: Margaret Kalina, Accompanist
WELCOME PastorJill
*CHORAL INTROIT Surely the Presence of the Lord by Wolfe
*CALL TO WORSHIP: Lee Becker, reader
One: Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before God with thanksgiving—
with music and song!
Many: It is good to sing praise to You,
and make music to Your name, O Most High;
to proclaim Your love in the morning
and Your faithfulness at night.
For You make us glad by Your deeds, O God;
we sing for joy at the work of Your hands.
One: Worship God with gladness;
come into God’s presence with joyful songs—
with thanksgiving and praise!
For God has taken away our garments of sadness,
and clothed us with joy,
that we might sing praise, and not be silent!
Many: We will sing of God’s love forever!
Young and old will hear and rejoice.
For Your unfailing love lasts forever;
Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens above.
*OPENING HYMN “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You” Blk 4 Vs 1-3
Holy God, as you have taken what we call an absurdity and turned it into possibility as you have coaxed us to sing springtime alleluias where once there was a gray dawn; as you have called us out of the tombs we inhabit into an undreamed of tomorrow, we praise you for this day!
Come, Risen Christ, in newness and hope on this Eastertide day. Amen.
~ from Still Laughing God: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday of Easter, posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Wayswebsite. www.ucc.org/worship/worship-ways/year-a/le/eas.html
*GLORIA Black 236
*PASSING OF THE PEACE: (responsive) Lee
READING FROM Hebrew Bible Psalm 137:1-4 Lee
CHOIR ANTHEM Sing Out Your Song, Christians of the World by Price/Besig
HYMN FOR PREPARATION “Behold the Host All Robed in Light” Blk 296, vs 1&2
SERMON: “Finding Our New Song” Rev. Dr. Jill Sanders
*DOXOLOGY Lasst uns Erfreuen
*CLOSING HYMN: In the Midst of New Dimensions Blk 391 vs 1, 4 &5
*CHORAL BENEDICTION Blessing by Katie Moran Bart
*POSTLUDE: Greg Kapphahn
The weekly Calendar
Sunday May 7 KXRA Radio Sunday
9:00 Choir rehearsal
10:00 Worship in person & online
11:30 Chasing Francis Book group
Monday May 8
10 “Caffeinated Christianity” @ Dunn Bros.
Tuesday, May 9
9:00 Friendly Service
12-4 Elder Network
1:00 Worship Committee
3:45 Connections Committee
5:45 Board of Adminstration
6:00- Prayer Connect
7:00 Church Council
Wednesday May 10
4:30 Choir rehearsal
6:00 Spirit on Screen, Joyride
Thursday May 11
9:00 Walk @ Church
4:30 Holy Happy Hr @ Pike & Pint
Sunday May 14 Communion Sunday Mothers’ Day
9:00 Choir rehearsal
10:00 Worship in person & online
11:30 Chasing Francis Book group
Today is KXRA Radio Sunday
The first Sunday of every month KXRA broadcasts our service on 1490 AM at 11 am. Today’s service is sponsored by Brad, Niki and Audrey Froemming in loving memory of EJ and members of the Weatherwax family.
Pastor Jill’s Office Hours
Pastor Jill is available throughout the week for pastoral care, conversation, or coffee! She is typically in the office on Tuesday mornings—and other times as well. It is always best to schedule a time if you want to talk. She can be reached directly at jill@firstcongregationaluccalex.com or (319) 361-0737. Shetypically takes Fridays off.
Office Hours/Coverage needed
Joy will be out of the office May 23-28. Are you available to volunteer to keep the office open? Duties would include answering the phone, potentially editing (announcements or changes) and printing the bulletin. Filling usher and other positions as needed. Please email or contact the office if you are able to take a day or two.
Virtual Giving Options: Online and Text
Check out our updated website: firstcongregationaluccalex.com. Click on the word “Give” at the top of the screen. You can also text (844)987-4483 to give to our general fund. Please contact the office if you need help setting up your giving account online using our new software provider, Churchtrac.
Bountiful Basket
We will be collecting for Someplace Safe in May. Please check the list on the basket for needed items.
Chasing Francis Book group
This book upends the way many of us were taught about what it means to be a follower of Christ. For six weeks, beginning April 16, let’s read and consider our own crazy, circuitous journeys to God. I’d like to meet following worship and coffee time, from 11:30 to 12:15.
Cookies/Baked Goods Wanted
Do you have extra cookies or baked goods? Love to bake but don’t want a lot of extras at home. We would love to have a supply of frozen cookies to serve on Sundays. This would relieve the burden on those who choose to serve on Sunday. Please put them in the freezer in the Plymouth Room.
Help out with Worship
There are sign ups at the back of the church for June and July. If you are able to greet, usher, or read, help serve coffee or clean up after Fellowship, please sign up there.
Angel Express and Angel Care Team
The Angels for the month May are Cathy Johnson (320) 763-3947 and Carolyn Chlian (218) 943-5630. Volunteers are needed to cover additional months. Please contact the church office or Daisy 763-9461.
Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries
Cindy Norling 05/14
Julie Hjelm 05/15
Audrey Froemming 05/19
If we have missed your birthday or anniversary, let usknow. Also we have discovered as we have transferred over to Churchtrac that we don’t have birthdays and special dates for a lot of us. Feel free to call the church to help us keep this up to date.
Friendly Service Quilting Group – We will meet on Tuesday, May 9th at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Since it is the last meeting until September, we will have our usual Pot Luck Luncheon. Bring your favorite dish to share. Everyone is welcome to come to help us assemble quilts and to enjoy the fellowship. Lunch will be at approximately 11:30 a.m. We will give Someplace Safe 4 quilts in May.
Prayer Connection
Prayer connection meets via Zoom
https://zoom.us/j/9990015170 Meeting ID: 999 001 5170
2) To dial in by phone:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 999 001 5170
Tuesday Meetings
There are several committees meeting on Tuesday. The Board of Administration and the Church Council are meeting a week early to accommodate for the Annual Programmatic Meeting and Jill’s continuing ed schedule. If you have an agenda item please contact the office or committee chairs as soon as possible.
Spirit on Screen
Join us on Thursday at 6 pm as we watch Joyride as it explores what it means to be, to have, to lose, a mother. The film asks us to reimagine the idea of family, friendship and trust. The film is 93 minutes long. We will have popcorn and a beverage. Bring a snack or a meal for yourself.
Annual Programmatic Meeting
The Annual Programmatic meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 21. Please plan to stay a little longer after worship that morning! One of the main features of the Programmatic Meeting is to elect a slate of Committee and Board members and Chairs. We also will have a resolution to pass on our Open and Affirming status and statement. Look for Programmatic Booklets on May 16. The deadline for contributions to the Programmatic Booklet is May 4.
Pancake Breakfast
We need volunteers to help on Memorial Day and other events.
Do you have any Graduates (high school, college, tech, etc.) in your immediate family this spring? We will be celebrating their achievements in worship on Sunday, June 4th, with a reception following. Please call the Church office with names and a brief description of their accomplishments to be shared that Sunday Photos are welcome, too, and can be emailed to office@firstcongregationaluccalex.com Thank you!
Meals available
Our church has received a donation of frozen meals to distribute to people in need of a nutrition supplement. If the economy and times have made you a person a supplement would benefit or are aware of a person in need please contact Pastor Jill. All information will remain confidential.
Annual Meeting of MN Conference United Church of Christ
Do you want to be a delegate for the June 9 or 10 meeting at St Benedict’s? We need one additional delegate and/or a youth delegate. Contact the office or Jill as soon as possible.
Community Events
Hard Hat Events
May 10 6:15 am-8 am and 4:30-6:30 pm
Habitat for Humanity of Douglas County is hosting the 17th annual Hard Hat Events, at the Broadway Ballroom. The event kicks off its annual campaign to support its mission by raising funds to build homes and complete repair projects for 30 families in 2023 –Everyone is welcome to attend! Join us for an inspirational hour to connect with friends and hear from Habitat homeowners who, with your help, are building strength, stability, and self-reliance for their families. Habitat invites community members interested in making an impact on affordable housing and helping our neighbors build a brighter future to attend. Donations can be made online to support the event at hfhdouglascounty.org.
Safe Families for Children Equipping to Serve: Incorporating Mental Health into Volunteer Experiences May 9 and their Spring Social and fundraiser May 19 for more information go to www.safefamiliesmn.org